Our little ones listened to sounds of the string family and they had to identify the right string instruments to their sounds. They also revised the other music notes. Teacher Siew Li played on the keyboard some sounds and the children had to identify the sounds. I realised my listening skills have deteriorated tremendously and to think I was rather good at it in the past. Gosh, I have lost touch indeed! No wonder Daddy tells me I am deaf at times.
The children placing the right notes to their corresponding sounds.
Cheryl did a little colouring today too! She sang Mr Muffin Man in class and drew a face on the muffin cut-out that Teacher Siew Li gave them.
Here, they had to listen to the CD and differentiate between piano and forte sounds.
And this is the piece that C has to practise for the next week. She is thrilled that these tunes are familiar and she will always try to sing along as she practises in the evening. But I need to work on her patience as she tends to rush through her practice sessions in the evenings.

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