Uncle Ben suggested that Grand Mummy and Daddy and the rest of the family went down to Changi Airport Terminal 3 for a walk as they have yet to see the place so in the afternoon, we headed there.
The weather these days have been terribly warm and humid and when we learned that we were to spend another hot afternoon indoors with air condition, we were all jumping for joy!
Cheryl loves the airport because it is spacious and she can run around. Here she is clowning with Daddy.
We came to this open space with a nice water feature and couldn't resist posing for some shots.
After that, we went for a little shopping at Singapore Expo before heading for dinner at Big Eater. We finally came with Grand Daddy and Uncle Ben to taste their much-talked about Tai Lok Mien.
At the table, we were busy chatting with each other. I usually would hand C her little drawing tool for her to doodle and occupy herself and just when we were engrossed in our own conversations, C picked up her drawing tool and showed us this!
"This is Daddy!" She said and we gathered as much because Daddy is the only person she knows with standing hair.
Our dinner spread! We came all the way here for their noodles and of course, crabs and as luck would have it, they had ran out of crabs. So we ordered another dish and while eating, the waiter came and asked, "Do you still want crabs, the supply has come in." Argh! ... There is always a next time.

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