The annual Parents' Evening at C's school.
Moving into Primary 5, we were prepared for the increased in school work and the staying-behinds. In fact, the School prepared us last November with the announcement in their monthly newsletter. What was new was this time, the principal of the secondary school had some air time to talk about the programmes offered should the girls choose to continue their education with PL. I guess this was necessary for the parents of the Primary 6 girls who were also involved in the session. I would say that moving on to PL Secondary would be one of our options as we liked what the school has put in place.
The next part of the session took place in the classrooms.
Though only having spent 3 weeks in school, we saw that C's teachers and the class had done up the important stuff like class rules expectations. Values and class work were prominently displayed and the class was neat and tidy. There was even the mobile carts in class; they hold lap tops and for lessons which require the pupils to do some online work, this means that the girls do not need to shuttle between the computer labs and their classrooms.
C's teachers were warm and they took time to explain the syllabus and how as parents, we could help. Like in the past, we left the place assured and knowing that the year would go well.
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