"how do you break the news?"

Cheryl has recently started class and despite her loving the activities and enjoying the lessons, I have reservations signing her up permanently for the course. What makes it even harder is, her teachers are good and able to conduct the lessons efficiently.

C has told me several times that she wants to continue with the class yet I am holding back.

I have told the persons in charge of the Centre that we are having fun in class but that's where I stopped. I would very much like to feedback to the persons in charge what is happening in class too but wouldn't the teachers in there already mention something?

There is a pupil in the class who is exceptionally disruptive and he is unable to follow the lesson through without disturbing either his fellow classmates or the teachers. Both sessions, I could tell that his parents were also very tired of trying to catch hold of him and getting him to pay attention in class. Often his parents were busy apologising and of course, the other parents in class could tell that his parents were embarrassed at the way the little boy was behaving.

I am not an expert in this field but being a teacher in a neighbourhood school for several years now and coming into contact with children and parents of all walks of life, I so want to have a talk with the toddler's parents.

His mother's comments that "it's a boy problem" and "girls are definitely more mild" definitely make it harder. How do I tell her that I suspect her child is suffering from ADHD? Will she be able to accept it? Will she turn around and give me a tight slap and accuse me of cursing her child?

But I have seen enough to know that denial in the parents can do more harm to the child because if help is rendered early, a lot of heartache and pain for both parents and child can actually be eliminated.

Do not mistake a child's hyperactivity as just being "naughty" or "mischievious" and simply brush it aside. It could be a tell-tale sign of something more serious brewing.

Symptoms of ADHD

ADHD used to be known as attention deficit disorder, or ADD. In 1994, it was renamed ADHD and broken down into three subtypes, each with its own pattern of behaviors:

1. an inattentive type, with signs that include:

  • inability to pay attention to details or a tendency to make careless errors in schoolwork or other activities
  • difficulty with sustained attention in tasks or play activities
  • apparent listening problems
  • difficulty following instructions
  • problems with organization
  • avoidance or dislike of tasks that require mental effort
  • tendency to lose things like toys, notebooks, or homework
  • distractibility
  • forgetfulness in daily activities

2. a hyperactive-impulsive type, with signs that include:

  • fidgeting or squirming
  • difficulty remaining seated
  • excessive running or climbing
  • difficulty playing quietly
  • always seeming to be "on the go"
  • excessive talking
  • blurting out answers before hearing the full question
  • difficulty waiting for a turn or in line
  • problems with interrupting or intruding

3. a combined type, which involves a combination of the other two types and is the most common

Although it can be challenging to raise kids with ADHD, it's important to remember they aren't "bad," "acting out," or being difficult on purpose. And they have difficulty controlling their behavior without medication or behavioral therapy.


Because there's no test that can determine the presence of ADHD, a diagnosis depends on a complete evaluation. Many children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD are evaluated and treated by primary care doctors including pediatricians and family practitioners, but your child may also be referred to one of several different specialists (psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists) especially when the diagnosis is in doubt, or if there are other concerns, such as Tourette syndrome, a learning disability, anxiety, or depression.

To be considered for a diagnosis of ADHD:

  • a child must display behaviors from one of the three subtypes before age 7
  • these behaviors must be more severe than in other kids the same age
  • the behaviors must last for at least 6 months
  • the behaviors must occur in and negatively affect at least two areas of a child's life (such as school, home, day-care settings, or friendships)

The behaviors must also not only be linked to stress at home. Kids who have experienced a divorce, a move, an illness, a change in school, or other significant life event may suddenly begin to act out or become forgetful. To avoid a misdiagnosis, it's important to consider whether these factors played a role in the onset of symptoms

First, your child's doctor will take a medical history by performing a physical examination and asking you about any concerns and symptoms, your child's past health, your family's health, any medications your child is taking, any allergies your child may have, and other issues.

The doctor may also check hearing and vision so other medical conditions can be ruled out. Because some emotional conditions, such as extreme stress, depression, and anxiety, can also look like ADHD, you'll fill out questionnaires to help rule them out.

You'll be asked many questions about your child's development and behaviors at home, school, and among friends. Other adults who see your child regularly (like teachers, who are often the first to notice ADHD symptoms) probably will be consulted, too. An educational evaluation, which usually includes a school psychologist, may also be done. It's important for everyone involved to be as honest and thorough as possible about your child's strengths and weaknesses.

Do read up on the rest of the Article.


WaveSurfer said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the article on ADHD. Some of the behaviour traits describe a toddler I know, but I've been finding hard to suggest this possibility to his mother.
With this article, it will probably be easier to introduce this possibility to her.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I think I fit some of the description *gasp* watdoIdowatdoIdowatdoIdo!!!

Mummy N said...

hi wavesurfer
strangely enough boys are more susceptible to ADHD and scientists have yet to find out why.

the parents must first be opened to the possibility that the child may have a behavioural disability but how many of us will actually be able to accept it?

sigh... i don't know what to do? sign up for the course because C loves it and hope that the boy will "learn" to sit still? or give up the course all together because of 1 disruptive child?

hahahaha! you!!!!! you are just plain mischievious! nah nah nah nah nah nah... sorry. hehehe..
OH WAIT!!!! ADHD DOES occur in adults too!!!!!!! *double gasp*

Chew Household said...

I was just about to blog about this issue. A boy in my son's class is suspected of ADHD and he is driving the teachers up to the wall. Recently, he has even started to hurt my boy and other children. Not that I super worried about my son but I'm concerned about the parents. I can sense that the boy's parents are super stress as they do not know where they can get help!!! Sigh.

Mummy N said...


i spoke to my sch's counsellor. he said that the parents can either bring the kid to kkh or the polyclinic.

apparently docs or counsellors from kkh will frequent the polyclinics on specific days in a week so parents can drop by to find out.

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