A couple more hours and we usher in the new year. A new year, 2016.
But before 2015 comes to an end, there are things that need to be done. This year has had its fair share of troubles and trials, yet at the same time we emerged unscathered and stronger. "Write your troubles in the sand but crave your blessings in stone". Indeed, and we do that daily.
We thank God for His grace and mercy. We thank God for watching over us and for giving us angels who do the same. This year, we fulfilled Grand father's wish for us to travel with him back to his hometown in China to visit his sister and family and we had Grand Mummy with us in Korea. The joy on their faces was indescribable. We thank God for family. They hear us out and we appreciate them setting time aside, putting their lives on hold to give us that assuring hug, to listen to us, or to just be with us.
At our work places, we are thankful for our comrades, people who have become friends and people who look out for us. People who share our work and fight alongside towards a shared goal. They keep us sane and clear about why we do what we do and for that, we are ever grateful.
We will always remember and we will always be thankful. 2016 will be good, no it will be great because of all of you, and because of Him.
Happy New Year!
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