Cheryl and Joshua have been with Seimpi for a month now and I must say, it is really heartening to learn that the children enjoy their music lessons every Saturday. Cheryl has learned to read some notes and she has also been religiously practising her keyboard every evening with me.
Today, Aunt Chloe took a day off to go shopping so Uncle Eugene stepped in to accompanied Joshua to class. The kids started off with some physical exercise and then proceeded to do some breathing exercises.
Aaron, the little fellow in the red pants, C held his hand for an earlier hands on they had at the beginning of class and after the class ended, he squeezed himself into and wanted to hold C's hands again. But C who was already holding onto Joshua's didn't want to. Talk about loyalty to friendship! Ha ha! He is such an adorable fellow and he is one who is always attentive in class.
C and Joshua had so much fun blowing into their mini kites.
After running through some of the songs with the children, Teacher Xiu Li got half the class to do work on their note value while she went around to individual child and got them to play on their keyboard the 2 lessons that were taught previously.
Here the children were trying to match the number of petals to the note values of the flowers.
Teacher Xiu Li gave C a sticker after listening to her play on the keyboard. She didn't need much assistance and could complete the task easily.

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