Grand Mummy said this is hereditary; which really means, she got it from me ... and I got it from her! (Ha ha!) But I am not that hard-core a nail biter; I am in control almost all the time and I don't do toes (yes, I peel) and Daddy is guilty as well as he has this little thing with the cuticles on both his index fingers.
In the past, I had caught C peeling on her finger nails and I didn't give it a second thought, then once, I caught her trying to bite her toe nails (yes, I know, this is a classic symptom of a nail-biter in the making) and then this afternoon, while we were on our way to Grand Mummy's, C removed her shoes and said that her nails were not smooth and she proceeded to peel them.
Look at that intent on her face! She was not to be disturbed at all.
Then she caught me with the camera and she looked the other way but the fingers on the toes didn't stop.

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