
The dirty, filthy "L" word; LIES.

Sigh, I often ask myself, why do people lie? What make them want to lie and continue to lie?

I suppose we all lie at times, we always start with the little white lies which can snowball and become big, really hurtful ones and then what? How can one make amends? Lie more? Apparently, this is the way to go for some people. Yes, they lie even more.

Okay, to answer my own questions:

Q: Why do people lie?
A: They do not want the truth to be known. Truth can be painful. So they blatantly lie thinking that others are none the wiser. But the real fools are themselves, because we can all see the show they so painstakingly put up.

Q: What make them want to lie and continue to lie?
A: They want to continue to live a life of sin; that's why! Honestly, I can't think of anything else to say except that they know it's wrong but they "can't help themselves". (Or horror of horrors, maybe they see nothing wrong with lies!) Is there even should a thing? God created us with things "common-sensically" known as "will" and "morals". Yet they do not have the will to exercise their morals. Sigh.

Some people live by this "philosophy" that whatever the other party does not know, will not hurt him/her. Well, how true is this?

To these people, I can only say "You will reap what you sow" and justice will find her way out to the open. And then, may you lose all sense of credibility!

Thankfully, C hasn't learned to lie but she seriously needs to know that this is one word she should recognise yet not exercise.


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