the number "10"

C recently turned 10: 10- the magical dual digit. 

The celebration was a hush-hush affair. She had the slightest clue that we were even planning anything but I guess you can say we are terrible at keeping secrets.

Firstly, I updated Daddy about the buffet and when it would be arriving. That was when C came up between us and innocently asked "What buffet?" I had to blink my eyes, maintain a straight face while furiously thinking of an answer to brush her off. Then when the cake arrived, she was in her play room and I thought we were safe. In the evening, she went to get a drink from the refrigerator and went "ohhhhhh" when she saw the huge box the cake was put in. I was rather resigned, shook my head.

The day turned out fine; food arrived on time and so did most of our guests.

We absolutely loved the food! Potions were large and more importantly, the food was tasty and delicious. I chose this caterer because of the choice of dishes provided and we would like a different spread from the usual menu of pineapple rice, curry chicken and fried you tiao. This time round, we had a western spread and thankfully, our guests appreciated the change.

Thank you for coming and sharing our joy with us. C was over the moon. Thank you for your thoughtful gifts and ang baos too. 

Daddy is a man of few words but he expressed his gratitude and love for his little girl- 
"10 years ago, God gave us a precious gift that transformed us. The gift made me appreciate Him even more. I understand now how a father can love his child so much just like how He loves us. Today, we remember God sacrificed his Son out of the love He has for us. The same sacrifices that a father can make for his child.
We thank God his love, grace and blessings. We thank God for the gift 10 years ago. Happy birthday Cheryl Wan Lyn Lian. May you continue to grow and find favor in Him. Abide in Him always and He will abide in you.
Lastly, welcome to the 2 digit world. " 

I will leave you with this... . 

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