"The world's my oyster!"
Really, this phrase can't been more apt. One of the main activities planned was our trip to Baby Boss. For B and C, the place was really heaven because they had so much fun playing out the various vocations.
Getting our train tickets and hitting the rail... the shopping centre isn't far from where we were putting up.
Baby Boss!
The children's first stop: they wanted to be paramedics.
C, in her archaeologist-gear.
The children were brought "underground" and they literally had to dig up buried treasures.
Looking good!
Another popular occupation. They tried their hands on being pilots.
They traveled into deep space where they explored the dark skies...
Got back home welcomed with garlands around their necks. Parents were snapping pictures away and with the flashes and applause, I was sure they felt pretty welcomed. :)
They were briefed and then embarked on their mission of putting out their first fire.
Feeling accomplished!
The children were definitely exhausted, tired but very proud of themselves. They wolfed down their dinner and hurriedly went off for their last job. They earned $80 for their 5-hour effort.
and exchanged the money for this souvenir.
I had myself a little fun as parents weren't allowed with our kiddos. Hehe
Honestly, we had fun there and needless to say, the children too. There are different rates one has to pay depending on the duration you wish to spend there and it can get tiring for the kids and parents with all the running around, trying to see which occupations have openings.
We didn't manage to do quite a number because they require the children to read from scripts all written in mandarin and in complex chinese characters for that. Hence our kiddos had to pass over the chance to play lawyer, anchor man, radio deejay. But for everything else, they were alright and had a terrific time.

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