our English experience - William Wordsworth

We put up in a Youth Lodge and all tired out from the travelling, most of us were able to sleep quite well. The next morning, the lovely view of the lake greeted us as we looked out of our window.
Lovely view indeed of Lake District and we couldn't resist. The sun raises at 4 am in the morning and C was up about that time too but we had to get her to return to bed. When it was 7, we went down to the lake for more pictures.
The lodge we put up in.

Breakfast time and we headed out to Dover Home which was like a 15 minute drive away.

Dover Home, one of William Wordsworth's homes in England. The place was quiet and very much kept in the state that it was during the poet's times.

We had a workshop done there with the guide.

 and then we visited Dover Home where the poet and his family lived from 1799 to 1808.

pictures were not really allowed but I managed to take a few as I really couldn't resist. The couch was the very one he laid in when he wrote the poem "I wander lonely as a cloud". It was almost magical to be able to see and touch these furniture because now Wordsworth was not just a famous name but a person who really lived.

Dover home from the garden.

That's us in front of the house.

Next we went to the little town that the poet himself would have gone to.
 Wordsworth and his family worshiped at this church and they were buried in there too.

We did a little walking around the town before heading out to Rydal Mount, Wordsworth final home.

Lunch in the gardens of Rydal Mount.

I couldn't resist this picture and the effect was great! 

C took a picture of us with Rydal Mount in the background. The gardens was impressive and truly a work of a genius. To behold such a sight would definitely get one inspired.

All my students wanted their pictures taken with C too.

This is just one of the many lovely flowers that blossomed in that garden.

Rydal Mount. The curator and his family still live there today although the home has been turned into a museum and you can see him sitting there by the window.

We had a session right there in the gardens...

and our Princess also joined in. She sat herself at the foot of the steps leading into the gardens and was deep in thought.
Daddy too, couldn't resist to sketch the landscape he saw.

This was our lunch as we drove out of Lake District.

Reebok Stadium from the Motorway, as we drove towards Stratford.


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