Do I have a face that says, "Slap me on my left cheek, here is my right. Oh, while you are at it, why not dig my heart out and hang it up to dry too?"
Am I angry? Well, I think I am passed angry... I am broken hearted actually more than anything else. Have compassion, people. We all have enemies yet even for enemies, we do not wish the worst to befall on them because it is just not right and no matter how rotten some people are, no one is rotten through and through and some bad things are so terrible, no living creature in the world should ever have to endure that kind of hurt and pain.
Surprisingly, there are people who think otherwise.
Some times, I wish I can have C's feisty personality, remember the time C was at the playground and she slapped the girl who tried to push her off the slide? I want to do that too although I would probably need to muster all the courage in the world to tell this person and all of his leecher fiends off but this itself will require mammoth strength and knowing me, I would probably abandon the plans mid way.
But seriously, I besiege you to have a heart, to spare a thought for my poor, wrecked and battered soul. I am already in my own little corner, minding my own private business and I don't really have much space left to retreat into.

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