I definitely felt like I was the luckiest person on the planet!
Daddy and I went down to pick up some complimentary tickets and when Moses and Pat found out I had just celebrated my birthday the previous day, they were very generous and gave me a gift too!
I had wanted to get one of these for C because in the past when we went on vacations, C tended to be bored so you could imagine my delight when I saw what they gave me. Daddy immediately put it to good use and C can now enjoy her favourite Bob the Builder shows amongst others when we travel.
Although Daddy had celebrated my birthday, Grand Mummy, Grand Daddy, all my darling sisters, Uncle Ben, Daddy and C made me feel all special again!
Grand Mummy prepared a feast for me! It had been a while since we last had steamboat and we really ate our fill.
After dinner, we sank our teeth into the very famous durian cake from Emi Cakes. It was so good, all of us ate 2 slices.
My cake and what was left of it... (didn't stay that way for long though...)
My Husband, Our Precious
When we got back, C wanted to make some cheese sandwiches for her snack in Josiah the next day so we got ourselves busy...

C wanted to see what my reaction was so she pretended to want to put the sandwich into her mouth and of course when I tried to stop her, she burst out laughing.

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