Cheryl has to bring a snack to school everyday and since she started classes in January, she has brought quite a variety to school already.
I have bought :
1) raisin scones - but she doesn't really fancy them because they can get a little too hard
2) kueh lapis - her favourite but lately she hasn't been eating because once I bought a pack and didn't realise that it was moldy. I haven't gone back to the bakery since.
3) pandan cake - another favourite. She always finishes the slice that I put in her lunch box.
4) butter cake - it depends on her mood. Sometimes, she will eat everything but most of the time, she will have some small pieces left.
5) fruit cake - not her cup of tea. All 6 pieces came back untouched.
6) almond butter cake - she only fancies the almond pieces.
7) animal biscuits - when I have ran out of ideas as to what to get her, I will just give her animal biscuits but she loves them all the same and comes back with an empty lunch box.
8) swiss roll - she loves this!
9) egg tarts - she cleans this all out too.
10) cheese cake - no problem with this as well.
11) cheese sandwiches - she likes this too.
Today, I got her some cute cutters to spice up her cheese sandwiches. I decided that she can help me with her cheese sandwiches and as I gave her instructions, she tried her hands on making her own snack. Of course, she had fun and wanted to eat some pieces immediately!
The final product. Not bad for a first timer!

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