After raining cats and dogs for almost a week, God decided that my birthday would be a bright and sunny one and I was really thankful because I was kind of worried that the cold weather would take its toll on our little girl.
But she was all cheery when she learned that we would be going to a newly opened Disney restaurant for dinner in the evening. We took the train down and then boarded the bus to Ikea @ Alexandra and while we were on the overhead bridge, C exclaimed loudly that she saw her favourite Mickey!
She couldn't resist a pose with the "stars".
And while we were waiting for Daddy's arrival, she played with the many dolls and even spoke to them.
The staff at the restaurant were friendly and once we were seated, they came up with something to keep C occupied while Daddy and I fussed over the menu.
Honestly, the place would be ideal if it had been bigger; although the place had a large screen playing all the Disney cartoons, and even a play area with computer games, the place was actually quite cramp.
Cheryl, waiting for her turn at the computers and then finally getting her hands on the keyboard.
We started dinner with mushroom soup which was quite tasty. Then we had spaghetti.
Make a guess why C had her mouth opened so wide...
Now you know why.
She protested rather loudly when Daddy took a bite from Mickey's ears.
And it would also be great if they served more than just pizzas and pasta; actually they only have 2 kinds of pasta; macaroni cheese and the normal spaghetti. Maybe they can include chips, and burgers or even salads.
After dinner, we walked over to Ikea and C was mesmerized with the play ground they had there. I tell you, there is something about balls and kids... and balloons too. Hmm, I suddenly recalled that we had also gone to Ikea on my last birthday!
Then Daddy suggested that we get a cake and head back home. While walking to the carpark, we spotted this:
Now, it was my turn who wanted a shot! No no... I am not a fanatic... yet. I hope I won't be because it would be a rather expensive hobby to maintain. Besides, space is something I sorely lack right now.
My birthday cake!
Our cheeky girl took the opportunity to blow out the candles while I grinned at the camera.
Oh, and thank you Grand Daddy and Mummy, Aunt Di and Ben, Julia and Margaret; for calling, texting me individually to wish me "Happy Birthday".
Thank you Angie for the lovely ecard, Sandra for the very early wishes, friends over the Internet for your well wishes, Rina for the declaration to the world that we are best friends, Fizah for driving us out many times today, Chloe for the birthday greeting, Junming for texting me 5 minutes before the night was over and of course, Daddy for spending precious time with us!

Happy Birthday! May you continue to stay forever young, pretty and slim! Btw, you look great for a mummy, you should seriously consider joining those mummy contests.
Mother Hen!
Haha! Thank you for the compliment. hee... cant lah!
For one, I am too short. only 1.5m... havent compete already lose. hee
You look great yourself!
Nowadays, there are so many slim mummies around... very chic too.
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