Cheryl was enjoying every bit of the song; she was dancing and prancing around and her being the only girl in class did not mean she was even a wee bit embarrassed. She was alright for most part of the lesson and even tried to strike a conversation with the teacher. C is always very eager to show Teacher Xiu Li her completed homework.
However, C seemed a little out of sorts today, hmm... maybe it was because Joshua was absent from class. He was ill and we hope he recovers soon. Cheryl didn't seemed as enthusiastic when it was her turn to play on the keyboard for Teacher Xiu Li and I had to guide her more closely than I usually had to. This was very uncharacteristic of her and her performance today didn't look like she has been religiously practising her keyboard every evening. Well, there is always next week.
Little reminder:
1) Homework for today's lesson : Lesson 6,7 and 10. Needs to listen to the CD to complete the tasks.
2) Fees for the month of March is due 8 March.3) There will be no class on 16 March as it is the term break.
After class, Cheryl surprised us with her request for "French Fries". She instinctively thought that we would go to MacDonald's but Daddy reminded her that lunch is more than fries and fries (she doesn't eat anything else usually) so he suggested we eat at the very much-talked about Demsey Road.
It was a fanciful place alright; a niched place of cafes, pubs, galleries, antiques shops and even a hair saloon and we kind of felt out of place because we were a little under-dressed. But it was a nice experience to drive around and to finally see for ourselves what the hype was all about.
In the end, nobody was more pleased than Cheryl because we ended up at MacDonald's. C immediately exclaimed in the car "I LOVE burgers! and french fries and ice cream..." Wow! Only MacD has such effects on children! True to her words, she ate half her cheeseburger, prickles, onions and mustard and all; she had always turned her nose away when I tried to feed her but surprise, surprise!
In the evening, Daddy and I were standing at the window and having some "us" time when he said very sweetly, "Our anniversary is coming up, you know?" Yes Baby, I know. We didn't go for any fine dining but we spent some quality time with each other at Changi Beach; watching the aeroplanes fly by, listening the waves crash against shore and having the wind blow in our faces and I would never trade this moment, even for the world.

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