Several weeks ago, we brought Cheryl to her first movie. Yes, in a REAL cinema; not Daddy's 19" monitor. Cheryl was pretty good for the first hour; she was excited and would exclaim when the action became hot and the music crescended to a climax. After that, she was restless and asked for her milk, and even wanted to walk around.
Daddy and I thought, since we had booked the entire cinema, it would be a good experience for her and us to see how she would behave and I must say, she was alright. When she started fussing, I brought her to the back of the cinema and carried her so that she would not make a ruckus.
Just now, I suddenly remembered that I had Charlotte's Web and thought it would be a good idea to play for her. She thoroughly enjoyed the movie! She was saying "Where pig" all the way. She was very intuned with the music and the atmosphere of the movie and she would move towards the screen when she got excited and crowd away when it got dark and rainy. She even remembered the words "Some pig" on Charlotte's web. At the end of the movie, there was a scene with the web swaying in the wind and although it said "Humble", she promptly said "Oh, some pig".
Oh, she remembered Spidey! When she saw Charlotte, she turned to look at me and asked "Where is spiderman?"
Daddy and I thought, since we had booked the entire cinema, it would be a good experience for her and us to see how she would behave and I must say, she was alright. When she started fussing, I brought her to the back of the cinema and carried her so that she would not make a ruckus.
Just now, I suddenly remembered that I had Charlotte's Web and thought it would be a good idea to play for her. She thoroughly enjoyed the movie! She was saying "Where pig" all the way. She was very intuned with the music and the atmosphere of the movie and she would move towards the screen when she got excited and crowd away when it got dark and rainy. She even remembered the words "Some pig" on Charlotte's web. At the end of the movie, there was a scene with the web swaying in the wind and although it said "Humble", she promptly said "Oh, some pig".
Oh, she remembered Spidey! When she saw Charlotte, she turned to look at me and asked "Where is spiderman?"
Okay, this means she is ready for more. Shrek 3, here we come!
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