Many a times, C comes home with little gifts like a stationery set, or markers, or stickers. Gifts that her teachers had given to the class as tokens of encouragement. This year alone, C has been given 2 personalised pencil cases, complete with pens and the necessary writing materials. I guess, in preparation for the exams as children are only allowed to use transparent pencil cases to hold their stationery. How very thoughtful!
Yet the School, and the Parents' Support Group surprised us with this parting gift:
Each class has its individual photo book. The teachers have taken pictures throughout the year, capturing events the class has celebrated, crystallizing the special moments the girls have experienced. They were also given a mug with the words "Be Bold, and Shine". C loves the mug very much indeed and she drinks her Milo out of it every day now.
Really, the School, the teachers, and the parents - they think of everything. :) We want to say "thank you."
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