Armed with ... nothing actually, except for a few bottles of water and a packet of tidbits, we waited patiently for our friends to arrive. And when they did, they came with fishing nets, and live bait but still no fishing rods. Instead there were fishing line... .
The children were all excited and running around with the nets. They were also making themselves useful by trying to scoop fish from the pond, or posing for pictures.
The catch for the day: yabby lobsters, 2 of them: one really tiny and the other a considerable larger one and an eel.
While the children played, the mummies chatted... the daddies were hard at work, all bent over and patiently luring the yabby lobsters with the live bait they had at the end of their lines.
Nope, we didn't bring any of our catch back. C and the kids had the honour of releasing the yabby lobsters and fish back into the pond.
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