Instead of the usual feasting, this Christmas was kind of different. :)
We spent the eve at Uncle Vincent's as he had invited carolers to his home to kickstart the Christmas spirits.
It was indeed beautiful and lovely to hear the familiar Christmas carols and to partake in this joyous event.
C with Zinnia and Yeva. Lovely picture I must say. :)
Daddy Dearest with his Precious and Little Darling, Yeva!
A mouth-fill of fishball!
C with her gifts just before bedtime. Thank you for your very-thoughtful presents.
On Christmas itself, we went over to Grand Mummy's. Aunt Juliana had gotten C a Barbie doll house and Daddy bought C her own Mickey Mouse Club House mega blocks. Look, the adults were busy assembling the toys for Precious. I was sure the adults had a lot of fun doing this.
And with the weather so fine, we decided to go to ECP for bicycle ride. Absolutely beautiful!
We were all dressed in red for the festive mood!
A lovely video to share with all!

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