The age old battle between Nature and Nurture...
We always wonder how children learn some things (good and bad alike) and when C picks up a new word or a new habit, we conveniently assume that she has seen someone do it.
I rarely wear make up in front of Cheryl and that's because I go to work at 630am and C is still in La La Land. Besides, I only apply the good old simple blusher and lip stick. Cheryl has hardly seen me apply anything else.
We visit Grandparents every weekend and Cheryl's favourite spot is in Aunt Diana's bedroom. She can play in there for hours and on one of the weekends that we were there, Uncle Ben caught C doing this.

She was completely satisfied with herself and her powered look! Thankfully, it was Pigeon powder or I will definitely have a time scrapping it off her face.
*pictures stolen from Aunt Diana's blog*
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